How To Fix Prevention Circul+ Cannot Be Charged?

It took me a little while to get used to my Prevention Circul+ ring. I am not talking about the comfort levels here, mind you, but other things like getting the ring to start charging properly.

A Black Circul+ Smart Ring - Fix Prevention Circul+ Cannot Be Charged

I have had my fair share of bad experiences with trying to get the ring to charge. Once, I connected the ring to its USB cradle, which in turn was connected to my laptop, and left it so for a few hours to charge. Upon checking later, I found my ring completely dead. But well, I managed to fix the issue after all.

In fact, all these bad experiences made me try out some excellent troubleshooting methods and steps (mentioned below) that can be used to fix charging problems. So, if you can’t get your Circul+ ring to charge, you can try them out, too.

Methods To Fix Circul+ Ring Charging Issues

Try A Different Charger/ Source

Before anything else, I questioned the power source I was using. Maybe the laptop I was using to charge my Circul+ ring didn’t have enough battery to give out some power to my ring? Oddly enough, this was the case plenty of times.

In such cases, I would try a few different things:

  1. Connect my laptop to the charger and let it charge a bit before charging my ring through it.
  2. I would use a wall adapter for a proper charge.
  3. Once, the problem was with the power socket I was using. So, I connected the wall adapter to a different socket, and it worked.

Although my phone charger has never once failed to get the job done for me, it didn’t work that well for Smriti, a colleague of mine who also uses the Circul+ ring. She tried charging his ring with a wall adapter at home, but it just wouldn’t happen.

At first, she assumed that there must be something wrong with the ring. But, upon connecting it with a different wall adapter, the ring started charging in a minute.

Check Connection

Plenty of times, it wasn’t the charging source that prevented my ring from charging. Instead, it was a simple connection problem. This means that the charging cradle and the ring itself lacked a proper connection because the two didn’t fit properly.

When this was the case, I would remove the ring from the USB charging cradle and try reconnecting it. I’d wait for a flashing green light to start for a minute or two, as that is the indicator that the ring has started charging.

However, once, I had to clean my ring, especially the charging electrodes, with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. My ring, after some light gardening, had developed some built-up gunk that was making it difficult to have a connection with the USB charging port. But cleaning it thus had solved the problem.

Give It Some More Time

Once, my ring got deep discharged. It had run out of battery already, and I delayed charging it for quite some time. When I did put it on charge, the flashing green light (the one that indicated charging) didn’t start immediately. Quite naturally, I panicked.

However, upon researching, I found out that BodiMetrics, the manufacturer of the Circul+ Ring, says that it can take up to 3-5 minutes for the ring to start charging again after it has been deep discharged. So, I waited patiently for the ring to give a sign of life.

Slowly but surely, the green light started flashing again. Within two hours, my ring was completely charged.

What To Do If The Ring Still Won’t Charge?

Smriti and I have been considerably lucky with our Circul+ rings. We have been able to fix our charging issue with some simple troubleshooting steps. However, I know some other people who couldn’t share our luck.

For example, another friend of mine simply couldn’t get her ring to charge. He tried charging it using a USB on her laptop, an Anker wall charger with USB-C, and whatnot. It wasn’t like he didn’t give it enough time; he had tried charging the ring overnight and the whole 24 hours, but nothing happened.

In the end, I suggested that he email customer support at [email protected] and explain his issue to them. Previously, I had also contacted customer support for a few common issues, and they had helped me solve them.

He took my suggestion and emailed customer support, and they asked him to attach a couple of screenshots to better explain the problem. The customer support investigated the issue and sent him a replacement ring upon reaching their conclusion.

Also, apart from the ring, if there’s anything wrong with the charger, then you can get a replacement for that, too.

What I mean here is that if your ring doesn’t charge despite all the troubleshooting steps you try, then it would be wise to reach out to customer support. Doing so worked out well for my friend, and so it might work well for you, too.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wrap Up

So, these were some troubleshooting methods that can be tried out to get the Circul+ ring to charge again. I found them to be quite useful for my friends and me, and I am positive that they will work for you, too. But, in case they don’t, you know that you can reach out to Circul+ customer support for additional help.

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