My Oura Ring Stopped Working & This is How I Fixed It!

When you have been using a smart ring for a long time, you are bound to face some problems. My Oura ring was working fine until “that day.” It was when I recognized that my Sleep and Readiness scores were not updating on the Oura app.

- Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

I was baffled for a moment to find myself in that situation. So, if your Oura Ring has also stopped working and you are looking for solutions, I have got your back! So stay tuned.

How To Fix If The Oura Ring Stopped Working?

When I first noticed that my Oura app was not updating sleep data, I thought that the ring might not be syncing with the app properly. However, I noticed shortly that my Oura Ring was not working at all!

I tried wearing the Oura ring correctly and even checked if the ring was charging or not. It took me some time to accept that my ring was not recording data. I was puzzled but eventually found ways that actually helped me to resolve the issue.

1. Check For Oura Firmware Updates

When my ring was not working, I went through the app to see whether there was any way to reconnect with the ring. There was none. However, when I uninstalled and reinstalled my Oura app, I found the “Update now” message on the Oura Home tab. I simply tapped on the Firmware update option, and the ring was updated.

At this point, I thought that it would be better if I could turn on the automatic firmware updates. So, here is how I turned on the automatic firmware updates (for Gen3):

1. Launch the Oura app and tap on the Menu icon.

Tap Hamburger Menu on Oura App Home Page - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

2. Next, tap on Settings.

Tap Settings on Oura App Menu - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

3. Scroll down to “Software information.” Under the Software information, tap on the Firmware.

Tap Firmware in Oura App Settings - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

4. Toggle on the Automatic update button.

Tap Automatic Update button in Oura App Firmware Settings - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

Unfortunately, automatic firmware updates are not available in Oura Gen2. Whenever there is a firmware update, Gen2 users will receive a message notifying the update. They have to tap on the “Update now” link on the message manually for the firmware update.

2. Hardware Reset

When searching for solutions on social platforms, I found that many Oura users mentioned this issue, and they suggested a quick hardware reset. It actually works! The best part is that hardware reset only deletes the unsynced data, so you won’t lose any data that is already synched with the app.

Here is how you perform hardware reset:

1. Place your Oura ring on the charger.

A Black Oura Heritage Ring Charging on its charger - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

2. Tap the charger a few times rapidly while placing the ring on it (hold the ring with the help of a finger).

A Woman's Hand Placing Oura Ring on Its Charging Dock - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

3. Wait for approximately one minute. Then, re-open the Oura App and check the connectivity.

3. Soft Reset

I found another effective way to check my Oura ring when its lights were not working. I tried Soft Reset as suggested by Oura support. According to Oura support, a soft rest gently recalibrates the ring’s sensors. Here is how I performed a soft reset:

1. Open the Oura app and tap on the ring icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Home tab.

Tap Ring icon on Oura App Home Page - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

2. Swipe left to open the “My Oura Ring” page.

Swipe Left Access My Ring Page on Oura App - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

3. Tap Soft Reset.

Tap Soft Rest on My Oura Ring Page on Oura App - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

Note: After performing a soft reset, I didn’t remove the Oura ring from my finger for 24 hours to check if the sensors were collecting data correctly like before.

4. Factory Reset

Factory resetting is the ‘ultimate’ solution that I will suggest. If none of the above-mentioned tricks work for you, then you must go for the factory reset. A factory reset will erase the data saved by the ring and reset the ring sensors. So, don’t worry; data synced with the app will remain intact! So, here is how you can try factory resetting the Oura Ring:

1. Place your Oura ring on the charger and make sure it has a minimum 50% charge.

2. Open the Oura app and tap on the Hamburger Menu icon.

Tap Hamburger Menu on Oura App Home Page - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

3. Open Settings.

Tap Settings on Oura App Menu - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

4. Then, back up all data.

Tap Back Up All Data in Oura App Settings - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

5. After the data backup is completed, remove the ring from the charger and place it on a table or plain surface.

6. Now, choose the Ring icon in the upper right-hand corner of the Oura Home. Swipe left.

Tap Ring icon on Oura App Home Page - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working
Swipe Left Access My Ring Page on Oura App - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

7. Scroll down to Tools, and tap on Factory reset.

Tap Factory Rest on My Oura Ring Page on Oura App - Fix Oura Ring Stopped Working

9. After the Factory Reset is completed, remove the ring from the charger.

5. Contact Oura Support

By now, your problem must be solved since the above-mentioned solutions worked for me. However, if you find that the ring is still not working, then it is wise to connect with Oura support. It is possible that your ring is seriously damaged, and if it is within the warranty period, then you can claim a refund or exchange as per the Oura return policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wrap Up

To me, Oura is the finest health guide or companion that I have put my faith in for a long time. However, that doesn’t mean this smart device is flawless. To be truthful, Oura is going through many updates and changes for good. In this process, sometimes the Oura ring shows troubles.

Nevertheless, as you can see, solutions are there too! So, if your Oura ring is not responding well, try any of the measures that I have discussed in this article. Hope this guideline will be helpful to you! Got a question? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

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