How Long Does Evie Ring Take To Ship?

I was so excited about the Evie ring that I preordered it at the beginning of December. I knew that it would ship at the end of January, and I was okay with waiting. But then February came, and there was still no word of the ring. Don’t worry about me, though; I have the ring now.

Silver, gold, and rose gold Evie rings displayed on a blue background with geometric shapes - Evie Ring Shipping

However, the frustratingly long wait made me realize there is a lot of confusion around the shipping timeline of the Evie Ring. So, I did some research to find out how long it takes for the Evie ring to ship.

The results of my investigation are quite interesting. If you want to familiarize yourself with the actual shipping timelines (it’s different from what the company says it is!!), then keep reading this article!

Evie Ring Shipping Timeline

It takes Evie rings around two months to start shipping orders from the date they are placed. The shipping of rings also depends on the order in which they are placed; an order that is placed first will be shipped before an order placed after it. However, there are delays in the shipping of rose gold Evie rings since the demand for them seems to be the highest.

Apart from this, the shipping process is almost the same for everyone. When I had placed an order, I first received an order confirmation email that provided me with the details of my purchase, including my order number and billing information. After this, a long wait for the shipping confirmation email started. Because Evie sends this email only when it is ready to ship the ring.

Note: Given that I had ordered an Evie ring sizing kit as well, I first received a shipping confirmation email of the sizer. It was delivered around five days after I received that mail. For some people, it takes 6-7 days. I confirmed my size using it, and the actual waiting period for the final shipping confirmation mail actually began after that.

I had read that Evie would start shipping out the rings toward the end of January, so I had expected a shipping confirmation email to come somewhere around the middle of January. But that wasn’t the case for me.

I didn’t receive the ring’s shipping confirmation email until the beginning of February. My ring was delivered within four days of receiving the mail. If you’re thinking that, just like me, everyone else may have received their shipping confirmation emails at the beginning of February as well, then you’re incorrect.

From what I noticed, people tend to receive ring shipping confirmation emails almost around 1.5-2 months after placing an order. So, people who placed an order towards the end of November received a mail towards the end of January. I placed an order at the beginning of December, so my mail came in at the beginning of February.

I am pretty sure that Evie was shipping orders in the sequence it had received them. So, people who placed an order right when the ring launched not only got shipping confirmations in the middle of January but also got their rings delivered— regardless of the color choice— by the end of January.

Furthermore, I noticed that the shipping period differs on the basis of the color of the ring. The shipping confirmation email delay was longer for some people who had ordered a rose gold ring. People who ordered the rose gold ring could face a greater delay because rose gold is a popular color choice compared to other options.

But there were some exceptions here, too. I know someone who placed an order for a silver Evie ring right in November but didn’t receive a confirmation until February!

I don’t have a lot of patience to begin with. So, more often than not, I had been on the verge of canceling my order. In fact, once, I even ended up writing to Evie’s customer support team to ask them what the cancellation process looked like because I was so sick of the wait. While they may not have replied to any of my order inquiry mail, they were actually pretty quick to respond to the order cancelation email and asked for my patience.

A friend of mine who wasn’t okay with waiting this long without a word from Evie actually got her order canceled and the money refunded. It took her just about a week to get a refund, though.

I had thought that it would take her longer than that given that Evie’s customer support isn’t prompt with their replies, but in all actuality, they were issuing out refunds to people who wanted them. So well it was nice of them to acknowledge their shortcomings and people’s impatience and provide refunds accordingly.

However, note that not just for refunds, but you can contact customer support to inquire about the status of your order or if you haven’t received a confirmation email after placing the order. I contacted them about the former issue, and they helped me with my query (after two days).

Frequently Asked Questions

Wrap Up

There you have it, folks! This is exactly how long the Evie Ring takes to ship. Once people place an order, they have to wait for a maximum of two months before they get a shipping confirmation email for their ring. The waiting period has been quite frustrating, but I guess, given how wonderful the Evie ring is, all that wait was worth it. 

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